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Friday, September 21, 2007


Woah. Madrid is gorgeous, as was to be expected. This actually doesn't feel like a big adjustment at all. A lot of what I've seen of the people, lifestyle, architecture, etc, is much like Buenos Aires, so I feel comfortable here already. There isn't much shock or anything as of now, but I find that "culture shock" comes later.

I still don't believe I'm LIVING here in europe and that this is going to last a year.

All I can say is, for now, the mix of red wine and tapas is working its magic. I should be willing to give a good account of how hectic the commute from Barjas to Madrid was (just take a taxi, for those who are thinking of carrying more than three bags), but I'm not so willing right now. Tired. Didn't take a single picture today. I'll hopefully do some tomorrow, as I buy a phone and explore Madrid's Noche en Blanco.

'Nuff for now!


Anonymous said...

hmm my comment page is in chinese, so i hope this gets to you lol! i still havent taken barely any pictures. its just different when you live there, of course. just trying to survive is more like it. but at least you can communicate really well so thats a good start! hopefully your school will help you set up a bit more.

Anonymous said...

sorry, its carly^

manda said...


adding you to my Reader feed, btw.

Unknown said...

hah i totally agree about the metro thing! i was so frustrated trying to get to Madrid Atocha RENFE! I am glad I´m not the only one who suffered, it makes me feel much beter about myself! :) It sounds like you are having fun tho other than the luggage, hope it continues!